PROMIS is an independent consulting company, based in Norway. The company was established in 1997 and joined the Itera Consulting Group in 2000. Since July 2010 the Company has been privately held by the employees. PROMIS delivers consultancy services related to project management, procurement and contracting processes and quality assurance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) projects.

PROMIS’ vision is to reduce our customers’ risks and assure security related to successful acquisition and implementation processes. We are a leading company within our services in Norway. Our consultants are engaged by enterprises in both private and public sector who are facing strategic ICT investments or deliveries that requires controlled implementation.

PROMIS highly prioritizes professional development of our services. We continuously refine the methods developed within our service areas. We have been responsible for developing the PS2000 contract standard (now administred by The Norwegian Computer Society), that has become a business standard within iterative system development. This contract standard has further been further developed to now also suit agile projects – called PS2000 agile and PS2000 SOL. We have also developed contract standards for software maintenance and operations. Please see The Norwegian Computer Society for further information about the contracts.

PROMIS has launched two major initiatives the past couple of years. First of all we have introduced a certification program for agile project development. Participants will be certified IT Project Professionals (ITPP).

Second we have written a textbook for agile contracting and execution (ACE). Please contact us for enquiries regarding the book. Based on these initiatives PROMIS was awarded the price as the best consulting company in Norway in 2012.

Contacts in PROMIS:

Jørgen Petersen (CEO):
Stein Tore Rasmussen (Marketing manager):